Single Graduate Resident Handbook
Lease Agreement - Graduate Housing
Table of Contents
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WELCOME TO SUNNYSIDE APARTMENTS. This Resident Handbook explains the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement, the use of dwelling policy, the policies and procedures you need to adhere to as a resident, and the services and programs available to you.
We make this and other publications available to help assure residents a comfortable and supportive living environment, and to help residents better understand this unique community. Sunnyside Apartments is dedicated to serving the needs of students. We ask that residents, visitors and guests be considerate of the rights and privileges of their neighbors.
This Resident Handbook outlines the terms and conditions of our responsibilities to each other, and is legally binding. Changes in this information are considered valid additions to the Lease Agreement.
West Village is located at 1945 E. Sunnyside Avenue. Families are housed in Cedar and Cottonwood (buildings 796 and 797). Single graduates housing is located in Spruce (building 798) units. Spruce single graduate units were built in 2023 and are 4 level buildings rented by the bed in studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom and three-bedroom units with laundry facilities included on each floor.
The Main Office, Leasing Office and Maintenance Office are located in the West Village.
Abandonment is defined as a resident vacating an apartment without giving the required notice. Sunnyside Apartments may assume that a resident has abandoned an apartment under the following circumstances:
- Proper notice is not given and the resident fails to pay rent within fifteen (15) days of the due date, even if furnishings and belongings are in the apartment, or
- Proper notice is not given and rent is not paid on the due date and the apartment is empty.
If Sunnyside Apartments determines that a resident has abandoned an apartment, Sunnyside Apartments may take possession of the apartment and reassign it. Personal belongings left in an abandoned apartment or assigned storage space will be removed and disposed of according to University Policy and Procedures, and applicable State law. The resident of record at the time of abandonment will be liable for all costs resulting from this process, including moving and storing the abandoned personal property. The security deposit is forfeited in cases of abandonment.
The University of Utah is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to all qualified students, faculty or staff with a disability. Residents or applicants for housing should make requests for accommodations in their living environment to The Center for Disability and Access (CDA). CDA will review the request for accommodation and work with Sunnyside Apartments staff to provide reasonable accommodations to your housing.
Information on the request and approval process for Assistance Animals can be found in the Sunnyside Apartments Animals policy.
Alcoholic Beverages
All residents are responsible for complying with Utah State laws including the Alcoholic Beverages Law that states specifically:
- No person under 21 years of age may use or be in possession of alcoholic beverages.
- Persons 21 or over may not make alcoholic beverages available to minors.
- Misrepresentation of age for the purpose of purchasing alcoholic beverages is a violation of State law.
In addition to Utah State laws, University of Utah policy prohibits the possession, consumption, distribution, or sale of alcoholic beverages, as defined by State law, in, on or about any University property with the following exception:
Personal possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted by persons of legal age within their private apartments. Possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed in, on or about any common areas of Sunnyside Apartments except for transporting unopened containers from business place of purchase to private apartments.
Pets are not allowed on Sunnyside Apartments property, except fish in aquariums of less than ten (10) gallons. Feeding wildlife and/or stray animals is also not permitted. Guests are not allowed to bring animals on the premises with the exception of Service Animals.
Service Animals
Service Animals, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by a Service Animal must be directly related to the individual's disability. Service Animals are allowed in Sunnyside Apartments and may accompany their owner anywhere in the residences.
Although approval is not required, residents with Service Animals must notify Sunnyside Apartments in writing (, by phone (801.581.8667), or in person (1945 Sunnyside) of the existence of the Service Animal. This notification enables Sunnyside Apartments to take appropriate precautions before entering an apartment.
Assistance Animals
Consistent with state and federal law, “Assistance Animals” are a category of animals that work, provide assistance, or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, or provide emotional support that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability, but are not considered Service Animals under the ADA. Assistance Animals are not permitted in any other area of the University other than the resident’s dwelling, designated relief areas, and the hallways for transit purposes.
Assistance Animals must be approved in writing by the Center for Disability and Access (CDA). For more information about the request and approval process please contact the Center for Disability and Access (CDA).
Prior to bringing an Assistance Animal onto the premises, residents must receive written approval by CDA, sign the Sunnyside Apartments “Assistance Animal Agreement,” and receive an email notification from Sunnyside Apartments.
Approval of an Assistance Animal only applies to the resident's apartment and does not permit the owner to bring the Assistance Animal to other areas of the University where pets are normally prohibited. These areas include but are not limited to the gardens, community centers, large scale activities, the Sunnyside Apartments Main Office, and the Sunnyside Apartments Maintenance Office. For single graduate students in Spruce Apartments, the Assistance Animal must be housed in the owner’s room unless suitemates agree to allow the animal in common areas.
Important Rules and Responsibilities Relating to Care and Handling:
- Service Animals and Assistance Animals are subject to University Policy 3-231: Control of Animals on Campus.
- Service Animals and Assistance Animals must be clean, house trained, licensed as required by Salt Lake County, and current on required vaccinations. Service Animals and Assistance Animals must also be compliant with state, county, and city laws regarding animals, including local animal control and public health requirements.
- Service Animals and Assistance Animals must be under the control of their owner at all times. Service Animals and Assistance Animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered while in public places unless these devices interfere with the animal’s work or the resident’s disability prevents using these devices. In such cases, Service Animals and Assistance Animals must be controlled through voice, signal, or other effective controls.
- Service Animals and Assistance Animals that are not under the control of their owner or that are disruptive may be considered a nuisance and their approval may be revoked. Nuisance behavior includes consistent non-stop barking, growling, biting, acting aggressively, jumping on people, urinating or defecating inside buildings, giving off offensive odors, or whose tenancy would result in substantial physical damage to the property of others.
- Service Animals and Assistance Animals must be taken outside the perimeter of the court and fifteen feet away from buildings to relieve themselves. Owners must immediately clean up after their animal. Waste must be bagged, securely tied, and disposed of in an outdoor dumpster or outdoor trash receptacle.
- Owners of Service Animals and Assistance Animals are financially responsible for any bodily injury or property damage to their apartment or University property caused by their animal.
- Apartments with Service Animals and Assistance Animals will be on a special lock system that alerts staff to the presence of an animal when entering the residence.
- Owners with Assistance Animals who wish to replace their animal with a different animal or bring additional animals on premises are required to contact CDA to get approval for the new animal.
Sunnyside Apartments will make reasonable adjustments to the “Sunnyside Apartments Animals Policy” (or any other policy) when such accommodations are necessary to afford a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling unit, including public and common use areas.
Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right to exclude or remove any animal that poses a direct threat to the health and/or safety of others or its presence creates an unmanageable disturbance or interference with the University community.
Violation of this policy will result in a $30.00 fine. A second violation will result in the cancellation of the Lease Agreement.
For questions about the University’s Non-Discrimination Policy, please contact the University’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (OEO/AA):
Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (OEO/AA)
383 South University Street, Level 1 OEO Suite
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
801.581.8365 (Phone)
801.585.5746 (Fax)
If a resident wishes to receive special consideration because of individual circumstances they may submit an appeal. Appeals must be made in writing and submitted to the Main Office.
Appeals regarding an existing decision or charge must be submitted within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of notice of the original decision or charge. Appeal letters should contain a brief account of the problem, include any documentation, and outline the basis for the appeal.
Appeals will be handled by designated staff. Unresolved appeals may be further considered by the Special Hearings Committee, and if necessary, the Director of Sunnyside Apartments. The Special Hearings Committee is made up of Resident Council members, designated Sunnyside Apartment staff, and the Sunnyside Apartments Advisory Board. The resident agrees to abide by all decisions made as a result of this process.
Broken Windows
Residents are responsible for paying for the replacement and/or repair of any broken windows, doors, screens, frames, etc., in their apartment.
Bunk Beds
Bunk beds are allowed.
Cable Television
Sunnyside Apartments has a contract with Comcast to provide cable television to all apartments. Cable television is included in the rent and discounts are not available to residents who choose not to use the cable television service. Set top cable TV boxes with remotes are provided in each apartment.
Additional services or service calls requested by the resident from Comcast are the responsibility of the resident and will be billed directly to the resident by Comcast.
Residents will receive an email from Xfinity to set up their account. Residents should follow the instructions in the email to verify their information and create an account.
For any support issues please contact Comcast at 844-790-6935.
Community Assistants
Sunnyside Apartments is committed to building a strong community among our residents. Each area has a Community Assistant (CA) who provides new resident orientation, assists with ongoing resident issues and plans monthly activities. The Community Assistant's role is to be the residents' representative to Sunnyside Apartments and help residents and staff work together effectively. They are familiar with policies and procedures, and can help residents find resources at the University. Community Assistants welcome resident ideas for programs and encourage resident involvement in planning and organizing activities for both adults and children.
Each spring, Community Assistants are hired to serve one year terms which begin on June 1 and may be extended for a second year. CAs receive a rent reduction for their services.
Community Centers
The Community Centers are available to residents for meetings and social gatherings. Residents are eligible to reserve any of the Community Centers. Reservations for the Community Centers are made online via the Resident Portal or the RentCafe Resident mobile app.
East Village Community Center Location
Cottonwood and Spruce Community Center Locations
Reservation Instructions:
- Review the Community Center Usage Policies and the Frequently Asked Questions.
- Access the scheduling system via your Resident Portal under the "Reserve a Community Center" and then "Reservations".
- Choose which center you wish to reserve, choose date, select start time and duration and state purpose of your reservations in the Notes section.
- The minimum time block is three hours and maximum block is nine hours.
- You will receive an email indicating that your reservation has been received and is pending approval.
- After resident life staff approves your reservation, you will receive a second email confirming your reservation.
- Each apartment is limited to making two reservations per month. To request an exception to this rule, please complete this form.
Questions? Please reach out to
Community Living Standards
Sunnyside Apartments is a diverse community of students, employees and their families. Good neighbors respect the rights of others and recognize that apartment living requires residents to be aware of how behavior in one apartment affects residents in other apartments.
If any issues arise, residents agree to approach their neighbors and work together to find a solution. Residents must be courteous and respectful of their neighbors at all times. If residents are unable to resolve issues with a neighbor, the Community Assistant in the court can assist.
After working with the Community Assistant, should residents, visitors or guests, be unable to resolve an issue with a neighbor, the parties involved agree to participate in mediation or arbitration and will allow the Director or his/her designee to act as arbitrator. Further, residents agree to abide by any decisions made as a result of these events, including moving to another apartment within Sunnyside Apartments, or cancellation of the Lease Agreement.
Construction, Renovation & Repairs
Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right to close a building, any portion of a building, apartment, or parking area for repairs, renovation, remodeling, or other purposes. Residents may be required to permanently relocate to another apartment or move out. Repairs, renovation, and remodeling projects can cause increased noise, dust, unpleasant smells, or utility interruptions. Sunnyside Apartments will take all reasonable measures to minimize the impact. No rent reduction or compensation may be claimed by residents.
Residents are liable for all damages to Sunnyside Apartments property, facilities or equipment caused by themselves, their personal property, animals, guests or visitors.
Driving on Sidewalks
Residents, visitors and guests are prohibited from driving or parking any type of motorized vehicle in the courts, on sidewalks, common areas, lawns, planter beds, or on any other Sunnyside Apartments property that has not been specifically designated for driving or parking.
Drugs and Narcotics
Use, possession, or distribution of any narcotic or other controlled substance on university premises or on premises over which the university has supervisory responsibility, including all housing facilities and properties on and off campus, is prohibited except as permitted by law and university regulations. The University of Utah adheres to federal policy and Utah State Law on marijuana which declares it to be a controlled substance that must be prohibited. Regardless of your home state law or the possession of a medical use license from another state, marijuana is not legal on campus. Being in a room or apartment where any narcotic or other control substance is being used is a policy violation. Association with the smell and/or evidence of drugs, including drug paraphernalia, is also a policy violation. Items in possession or use in housing facilities on and off campus which are deemed to have been used in the consumption of any narcotic or dangerous or unlawful drug (as defined by laws of the United States, the State of Utah, or housing policy) may be confiscated by UUPD and returned to the student upon completion of any resulting investigation.
Anyone found in violation of this policy and/or laws relating to illegal drug use/possession will be subject to cancellation of the Lease Agreement, student disciplinary actions, and possible arrest according to State and Federal drug laws.
Eligibility Requirements
Each resident living in Spruce graduate housing must meet the student eligibility requirements as an upper class student (junior or senior), graduate student, or as a full time post doc or medical resident (Housestaff). Sunnyside Apartments does not house single freshmen or sophomores. Please see Waiting List policy for detailed priority.
Housing of persons other than those listed on the Lease Agreement is not allowed.
Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right to require documentation of eligibility, academic status, and other records.
By signing the Lease Agreement the resident certifies that they will maintain their eligibility.
See Investigations, Charges, and Convictions of Criminal Conduct policy and Sex Offender policy.
Any resident failing to meet the eligibility requirements must notify the Main Office
as soon as they become ineligible.
Student residents must meet the eligibility requirements each Fall Semester and each Spring Semester. Only credit hours enrolled for at The University of Utah are considered for eligibility.
Undergraduate Students (Includes Non-Matriculated Students) |
Undergraduate students (including non-matriculated students) must enroll for a minimum of nine (9) credit hours each Fall Semester and each Spring Semester. |
Graduate Students |
Graduate students must be admitted into a University graduate program. Graduate students must enroll for a minimum of six (6) credit hours of coursework or three (3) credit hours of Thesis Research (#6970/7970) or Faculty Consultation (#6980/7980) each Fall Semester and each Spring Semester. Continuing Registration (#7990) does not count towards Sunnyside Apartments housing eligibility requirements. |
Division of Continuing Education classes count towards eligibility if they are taken for credit and completed in the semester in which they are to count.
Move In Requirements: Applicants must be currently admitted to the University of Utah before they will be assigned housing at Sunnyside Apartments.
Graduation: If graduating residents need fewer than the required number of credit hours their final semester, they must notify the Main Office of the situation by emailing before the start of their last semester.
Any resident failing to meet the eligibility requirements must notify the Main Office as soon as they become ineligible.
Full time benefited University employees will be offered apartment assignments based on the priorities of the Wait List policy. Please see specific policies for post docs, medical residents, visiting scholars.
Questions regarding academic affiliation can be addressed by emailing the Main Office. University employees who do not receive their income directly from the University may be required to show proof of university affiliation.
Current residents wishing to change eligibility status to university employee must email a request to the Main Office and will be subject to an approval process.
Any resident failing to meet the eligibility requirements must notify the Main Office as soon as they become ineligible.
Post Doc/Medical Resident/Visiting Scholar
Post Doc/medical resident/visiting scholar residents must be affiliated with a University of Utah Academic College, Department, Interdisciplinary Program, and/or Division, AND categorized within one or more of the following job code titles:
- Postdoc
- Medical Residency or Fellowship (Housestaff)
- Short Term Scholar, Visiting Scholar
Emergency Evacuation
In the event of a localized emergency (such as an apartment fire), residents should proceed in an orderly fashion to the center courtyard at least 50 feet from the building
In the event of a large scale emergency or disaster (such as an earthquake) residents should proceed to the designated Emergency Assembly Point (EAP): West Village EAP
Eviction is defined as a legal process that allows a property owner/landlord to recover their property from a tenant for violations of the Lease Agreement, or for the needs of the landlord. All residents are assured of due process, and evictions from Sunnyside Apartments are processed according to applicable State law and University Regulations. Should eviction become necessary, it is important for residents to be aware of the steps including NOTICE, SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT, and JUDGMENT. A brief explanation of these steps follows:
NOTICE: A resident will first be given written notice of a violation. The notice will state the nature of the violation and, when appropriate, provide a remedy. State law provides several notice options:
- A Three-day Comply or Quit Notice may be served when a tenant is more than fifteen (15) days late in rent. This notice requires the resident to pay the amount due OR leave the apartment within three (3) days.
- A Three-day Nuisance Notice may be served for contract violations including, but not limited to, the Rent Payment Policy, the Pet Policy, the Apartment Living policy, damaging property of Sunnyside Apartments, or any combination of the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement. There are no remedies available once Sunnyside Apartments has served this notice. The resident(s) must vacate the apartment within the three (3) days or the eviction process will continue.
- A Fifteen-Day Notice to Quit may be served when Sunnyside Apartments wants a resident to move out for no specific reason. Sunnyside Apartments will serve this notice in accordance with State law and University Policy when other remedies to solve a problem have been exhausted and it has been determined that the best solution is for the tenant to leave. This notice must be served fifteen (15) days before the beginning of the next rental period and it requires the resident(s) to move out before the beginning of the next rental period.
A notice is still considered valid, even if the resident refuses to accept it. A notice may be served at the resident's apartment, workplace, classroom, or lab. Notices may be served by certified mail, in person, or posted on the apartment door. If a resident fails to respond to a notice and Sunnyside Apartments determines that proceeding with an eviction is necessary, the resident may be subject to treble (triple) damages or $100.00 per day, whichever is greater, during the eviction process.
SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT: Sunnyside Apartments will file a Civil Complaint in Court and have the resident served with a Summons and the Complaint if a resident fails to respond to official notice as outlined above. The Summons requires the resident to reply in writing to the Court within the time stated in the summons. The complaint states the reason for the action. If the resident files no written answer, the resident loses the right to a trial, and a Judge will normally issue a Default Judgment in favor of Sunnyside Apartments.
JUDGMENT: The resident will receive a copy of the Judgment, and a Writ of Restitution with an Eviction Order issued by the Court when awarding the judgment. These papers authorize a law enforcement officer to remove the resident(s) and their personal property from the apartment. They also give Sunnyside Apartments the legal right to change the locks and empty the apartment of its contents in preparation to reassign the unit. In addition, the resident may be ordered to pay all costs relating to this process, including past due rents and treble damages, and attorneys fees. The security deposit is forfeited on all evictions.
Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right to refuse an application from a resident who has been previously evicted.
Failure to Vacate
If a resident fails to vacate by the moving date specified on the Intent to Vacate or transfer offer letter, he or she is liable for daily rental charges for the period up to and including the date he or she vacates the apartment and turns in the keys. Sunnyside Apartments may assess treble (triple) damages or $100.00 per day, whichever is greater, because of a resident's unlawful detainer. Sunnyside Apartments may take other legal action as deemed necessary. The resident is advised that the incoming resident may, under applicable state laws, take legal action against him or her for damages for failure to deliver possession of the apartment on the date promised.
Fees and Violations
Violations of the Lease Agreement by a resident or a resident's guest may result in Cancellation of the Lease Agreement or eviction.
Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right to assess fees for any violations of the Rental Agreement. Sunnyside Apartments may charge fees on verified violations of any term or condition, rule or regulation, or other provision, as warranted by actions of the resident or the resident's guest, or as otherwise noted in this Resident Handbook. Residents agree to pay fees and other costs resulting from verified violations of the Lease Agreement.
First violations of policy may result in a $30.00 fee or cancellation of the Lease Agreement or eviction. Second violations may result in a $50.00 fee or cancellation of the Lease Agreement or eviction.
Fire Safety
All fire safety equipment is for emergency use only. Tampering with, damaging or removal of fire safety equipment, setting off and/or reporting a false alarm is unlawful and a violation of state and University regulations. Disciplinary action may include expulsion from the University, a fine and/or criminal conviction.
University staff will conduct periodic fire equipment and system inspections. Residents will be charged for any damages, missing equipment and all associated costs.
Residents are encouraged to know where fire extinguishers and emergency exits are located in a building. If a fire extinguisher is missing, has been tampered with, or has been used; or, if an exit sign is broken or unlit, please notify the Maintenance Office immediately at 801.581.8667.
Each floor is equipped with a fire extinguisher located in the interior corridor.
Each apartment and interior corridor is equipped with fire sprinklers for the purpose of fire suppression. The fire sprinkler will not activate from the presence of smoke alone. The fire sprinkler is triggered into action by excessive heat. The fire sprinkler could activate if tampered with.
Residents should not touch or hang items on fire sprinkler heads.
Each floor and apartment is equipped with a hard wired smoke detector and integrated alarm system.
Firearms, Explosives, Dangerous Chemicals and Weapons
Except as expressly permitted by law, firearms, explosives (including firecrackers, fireworks, and pyrotechnics) and other weapons are not permitted on Sunnyside Apartments' property.
Sunnyside Apartments does not keep records on concealed weapon permit holders.
In a two or three bedroom units, if a resident becomes aware that a roommate is a concealed weapon permit holder and does not want to live with a concealed weapon permit holder, they may request a room change or early termination of lease agreement.
All furnishings provided in furnished units must stay in the unit and not be removed or stored. Furniture storage is not available.
Garden Plots
A limited number of garden plots are available for a minimal fee. The Resident Life team determines fees and assigns garden plots each spring. Do not dig up lawns or landscaped areas for gardens. Gardening is only allowed in the specified garden areas. Residents must abide by the Utah State Division of Health Code of Waste Disposal Regulations. Use of human waste as a fertilizer is strictly prohibited.
Garbage and Recycling
Trash and recycling chutes are available on each floor. We encourage residents to separate their garbage and recyclables properly for use in each chute. Recyclables should be placed directly in the chute and not placed inside plastic bags. Residents must not force oversized or overfilled trash bags down garbage chutes. Residents must properly dispose of their trash and not place it in front of the chutes. If the chute doors are locked, another resident is using the chute on another floor.
There is a large dumpster located north of the Maintenance Building in the West Village for disposal of large items, such as furniture.
Visit Ace Disposal’s website for a list of acceptable recyclable items.
Glass is not accepted in recycling dumpsters and must be dropped off at approved Glass recycling sites throughout Salt Lake City.
Please do not place non-recyclable items in the recycling chutes/bins. Recycling bins that are contaminated with non-recyclable items are treated as trash and sent to the landfill
Grills/Hibachis/Stoves and Propane Tanks
The use and storage of firewood or gas tanks, including but not limited to propane and butane, regardless of size and use, is prohibited in and around all Sunnyside Apartments property and facilities, including buildings, laundry rooms, grounds, common areas, parking lots, and vehicles.
Community grills for resident use are available in the common areas of Spruce buildings are on a first come, first served basis. Residents using the community grills must attend to them at all times and ensure the grills are properly cleaned after each use.
Charcoal grills must never be used inside your apartment, in the stairwells, on the stairs, balconies, or any other place where they could cause a fire hazard or injury to others. When in use grills must never be left unattended and must also be placed at least twelve (12) feet away from buildings.
Personal charcoal grills are not allowed to be used or stored in Spruce courtyards.
Health and Safety
Residents must comply with University, state and local regulations, ordinances, and codes for health, safety, cleanliness, and sanitation. Residents must comply with requests from Sunnyside Apartments to correct health and safety violations. Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right to enter the premises without notice to correct any violations. The resident will be charged for any corrective action.
Residents are responsible for the daily care of their apartment, appliances, and other equipment. Each semester, resident life staff will conduct Health and Safety Inspections of all apartments.
Residents are prohibited from using ovens as a source of heating within their units. This applies to all types of ovens and stoves. The improper use of ovens for heating can pose significant risks, including fire hazards, potential damage to appliances, and increased utility costs.
Residents must maintain acceptable standards of cleanliness and sanitation. Apartments must be kept free of trash. Residents must place all garbage in dumpsters or in trash chutes. Personal garbage should not be placed on the ground next to the dumpsters or on the floor next to trash chutes, or outside apartment doors, on balconies, walkways, hallways, on playgrounds or laundry room trash cans, or anywhere in parking lots. Improper disposal of trash or garbage is considered an obstruction and improper storage as described in the Storage section of the Resident Handbook.
Inability to Give Possession
In the event a student’s apartment is not available on the applicable move-in date, Sunnyside Apartments will make every effort to provide an alternative, equal option. If no alternative is available, Sunnyside Apartments is not liable for damages. Sunnyside Apartments does not guarantee the date of possession of assigned apartments.
Internet Services
Please note: All students are subject to university regulations and student accountability standards regardless of where they are living. See
The Internet service and the equipment providing the service is managed by Comcast. Comcast/Xfinity provides cable television and wireless internet to all apartments. Set top cable TV boxes with remotes are provided in each apartment. Use of the internet, provisions, terms and conditions are set forth in the agreement between the tenant and Comcast. The University of Utah has no visibility into individual tenant's use of this service. We encourage all tenants to use basic security practices such as do not share passwords or account information, stay up to date on software updates, use a good commercial anti-virus product, etc.
Sunnyside Apartments network connections are governed by University policy. The network is to be used for legal, non-commercial purposes, including personal home use. Uses that violate University policy, or federal and state laws and regulations are not allowed.
Each resident will receive an email from Xfinity to set up their account. Residents must follow the instructions in the email to verify their information and create an account to access the Wi-Fi in your apartment.
For any issues please contact Comcast support at 844-790-6935.
Sunnyside Apartments is not responsible for any loss or damage per the Liability section
Investigations, Charges, and Convictions of Criminal Conduct
Residents must report to Sunnyside Apartments if they or anyone in their household including visitors or guests, are investigated for, charged with, or convicted of serious criminal conduct, including but not limited to aggravated assault, arson, child abuse, domestic abuse, and sexual misconduct, which could potentially put the Sunnyside Apartments community as a whole, or any individual who is a part of the Sunnyside Apartments community, in harm. The University of Utah, in its sole discretion, may terminate the housing contract or deny a student housing if a resident fails to inform Sunnyside Apartments of such information and/or if such information leads Sunnyside Apartments to the conclusion that the resident may present a serious risk to the Sunnyside Apartments community.
Keys and Access
Residents will be issued 1 apartment key and 1 mail key. Additional keys must be ordered through a maintenance request and duplicated at the Maintenance Office. All issued keys, duplicated or otherwise, are property of the University of Utah and must be returned when vacating. Please see the vacating/move out procedure document for more details. See key prices and charge amounts on the Miscellaneous Fees and Charges web page.
All entrance doors to the Spruce buildings are unlocked from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM. University ID cards(UCard) and affiliate ID cards are activated at move-in to allow building access.
Late Fees
Accounts not paid in full on or before the first day of the month are late.
A $20.00 late fee is charged to accounts not paid in full by 9:00 PM on the 7th day of each month. Accounts with six (6) or more late fees may result in cancellation of the Lease Agreement. Late fees affect a resident's eligibility to transfer apartments and may affect credit or rental reference verification.
If rent is not paid in full by the close of business, 4:30 p.m. on the 15th of the month, a Three-Day Non-Payment of Rent notice (Comply or Quit) will be issued and holds placed on academic records and registration. The resident will have three (3) days to pay the amount owed or to move out. Once served, residents must pay their account in full, in cash only. Utah law provides landlords the option to start the eviction process with a Three-Day Comply or Quit notice. If rent is not paid in full, an eviction lawsuit will be filed which results in formal eviction. Residents evicted may be liable for additional charges if they fail to pay or to vacate as provided by law.
Residents may not appeal once a “Comply or Quit” has been served.
If a resident is employed by the University of Utah and fails to pay their rental account in full within thirty (30) days of the due date, Sunnyside Apartments may have the amount due withheld from the resident's pay check including but not limited to past due rent, court costs, late fees, and cleaning and damage fees.
Laundry Facilities
Each floor has washers and dryers provided by Hainsworth Laundry Company. Laundry rooms are open 24/7 and laundry is free of charge to all residents. Instructions for machine use are on the wall of each laundry room.
Residents are encouraged to use the laundry room on their floor. To report a problem with the machines, call 1.800.526.0955 or Request Service at
Lead Paint
In 1992, Congress passed the Residential Lead-Based Paint Reduction Act which allowed Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop guidelines to inform families of potential lead hazards in "target housing". Parts of Sunnyside Apartments were built before 1978 and thus is “target housing”. There are currently no known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the West Village. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires notification of the presence of lead. A copy of the pamphlet "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home" is available in the Main Office.
Sunnyside Apartments does not assume any liability for the loss, damage or theft of any personal property, including damage or injury resulting from theft, explosion, fire, mechanical failure of water, steam, or gas lines, defective wiring, or the negligence of any other occupants of the building, including visitors, guests, or nonresident family members. Residents agree to hold Sunnyside Apartments harmless for any personal and/or property damages or loss. If there is damage or destruction of a dwelling unit by fire or any other cause, Sunnyside Apartments may cancel the Lease Agreement and refund any unearned rent already paid.
Sunnyside Apartments may be liable for damages occurring to property of residents as a direct result of Sunnyside Apartments' negligent acts only.
Lock Outs
During office hours (8AM-4:30PM M-F), residents or individuals listed on the Lock Out List for that apartment, that can show identification, may pick up a loaner key, (or access card), from the Maintenance Office during regular business hours. The key (or access card) must be returned within twenty four (24) hours, or a fee will be charged to the residents' rental account.
If a resident or individual on the Lock Out List is unable to get to the Maintenance Office they may call the Maintenance Office (801.581.8667) during regular business hours and request a Maintenance representative come to the apartment to provide access. The resident or individual on the Lock Out List must show identification to the Maintenance representative to gain access to the apartment. The residents' rental account will be charged a fee for this service.
After Maintenance Office hours, residents and individuals listed on the Lock Out List that can provide proper identification may gain access to the apartment by calling Campus Police (801.585.COPS (2677)). The residents' rental account will be charged a fee for calling Campus Policy for this service. The fee will be charged regardless if the service is later canceled or no longer needed.
Main Office/Leasing Office
The Leasing Office (801.581.8667) is located in the West Village at 2045 E. Sunnyside Avenue. Services available through the Leasing Office include new apartment and transfer assignments, waiting list information, move in orientations, cart check out and resident information. Office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.
The Main Office is located in the West Village at 1945 E. Sunnyside Avenue. Services available through the Main Office include in person payments and after hours drop box. The Office of the Director is located in the Main Office. Office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The Main Office foyer is open 24-hours a day, seven (7) days a week. For the convenience of residents a UFirst Credit Union ATM machine, and after hours drop box for keys and rent payments(checks only) are located in the foyer.
The Leasing Office and Main Office are closed on University holidays and University Closure Days.
Maintenance Office
The Maintenance Office (801.581.8667) is located in the north west corner of the West Village. The Maintenance Office handles the maintenance of the apartments and grounds. Office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. The Maintenance Office is closed on University holidays and University Closure Days. The Maintenance Office has handcarts available for resident use. Additional keys and re-keying services, are available for a fee at the Maintenance Office. The Maintenance Stockroom offers miscellaneous items for sale including light bulbs, fan filters and paint.
Maintenance Request
For life threathening emergencies call 9-1-1.
For non-emergency maintenance issues residents may report the problem online via the resident portal or mobile app, or by calling the Maintenance Office (801.581.8667). If a resident is not at home when Maintenance personnel arrive to make the repair, work will be done in the resident's absence (see Right of Entry policy).
Maintenance emergencies may include power outages, gas odors, broken pipes, lack of heat, roof leaks and other conditions that may endanger life, health, or cause property damage. If you have a maintenance emergency during business hours (8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Mon-Fri, University Holidays & Closure Days excluded) call the Maintenance Office at 801.581.8667.
If you have a maintenance emergency outside of business hours call 801.560.1434 (On-Call Representative). If your initial call is not answered, call repeatedly for the next 5 minutes; do not leave a voicemail or text message. If you have not spoken to the On-Call Representative within five minutes call 801.339.0304 (On-Call pager). Listen for three tones, then enter your telephone number and the # symbol. If you do not receive a response from the On-Call Representative within five more minutes, call the University Police at 801.585.2677.
Additional resources can be found at Maintenance Information.
Maximum Occupants Per Apartment
Spruce single graduate housing is rented by the bed. The maximum number of occupants is 1 per bedroom.
Room Type | Maximum Number Of Occupants |
Studio | 1 |
1 bedroom Suite | 1 |
Room in 2 bedroom unit | 1 |
Room in 3 bedroom unit | 1 |
Move Out/Vacating Procedures
See the Termination of Lease Agreement section and the Vacating/Move Out Procedures.
Parking Regulations
University of Utah Commuter Services manages all Sunnyside Apartments’ parking areas. Commuter Services sells parking permits, provides enforcement of parking regulations and issues parking tickets. All inquiries regarding parking permits or parking tickets should be made to Commuter Services 801.581.6415 or 311 Fort Douglas Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT 84113.
A license plate recognition system is used to identify vehicles that have permission to park in housing lots. The license plate recognition system eliminates the need for parking stickers by linking parking permits to license plate numbers.
Cars backed into a parking space must have a front license plate.
Sunnyside Apartments is not responsible for the protection of or damage to any vehicle or its contents when operated or parked on Sunnyside Apartments ’ property.
Sunnyside Apartments does not guarantee the availability of parking spaces at any time or in any parking area.
Parking permits become invalid after a resident's move out date.
Parking lots are restricted to apartment residents, employees, and visitors. Permits are required Monday through Friday, 7 AM – 8 PM. Red curbs, reserved stalls, maintenance stalls, loading zones, and disabled stalls are enforced twenty-four (24) hours a day seven (7) days a week.
Residents must register their vehicle(s) and pay for their Sunnyside Apartments (SUNNY permit) parking permit(s) at Commuter Services or at 311 Fort Douglas Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT 84113 for their vehicle(s). Parking permits expire on September 30th and must be renewed annually. Parking permit fees are not prorated and are non-refundable.
Motorcycles, scooters and mopeds are not required to have a permit, but must have a current registration and display a current license plate permit sticker or displayed temporary permit and be parked in designated motorcycle areas.
Residents are eligible to purchase one (1) parking permit.
All vehicles parked on Sunnyside Apartments property must have a current vehicle registration and display a current license plate permit sticker or displayed temporary permit.
Parking permits are non-transferable. Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right to revoke parking privileges.
Parking spaces have been designated for drivers with disabilities. Cars must display a state issued disabled plate, placard or University of Utah "D" permit.
Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations are available in the West Village parking lots. To use an EV charging station, residents must have the proper Sunnyside Apartments parking permit, and must park in a stall adjoining the EV charging station. Residents must be actively charging their vehicle while parked in an EV parking stall. Residents may be liable for injuries or damages caused by their charging cables.
Vehicles which may be a health/safety hazard may be removed from Sunnyside Apartments property at the owner's expense. Sunnyside Apartments may require that vehicles be moved to another parking space. Residents must keep parking areas clean. Waste materials such as oil, antifreeze, or brake fluids must be disposed of in accordance with Utah State law.
Short term (4 hour) visitor parking is available in designated areas and enforced Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 8 PM by Commuter Services.
Residents can purchase temporary permissions for visitors, valid up to 2 weeks, through the Commuter Services website.
Temporary parking may be available for recreational vehicles or trailers subject to approval. Contact the Sunnyside Apartments Main Office for approval.
Pest Control
Sunnyside Apartments , through State-licensed contractors, has an ongoing program to prevent and eliminate pest and rodent infestations. To achieve the best results it may be necessary to treat an entire stairwell or building, including each apartment, simultaneously. We will notify residents in advance of scheduled treatments, and inform them of the required steps to prepare for this procedure. Residents may be billed for expenses associated with treatment. Treatment is mandatory. Failure to comply with pest control activities will result in a fee per the Fees and Violations section of the Resident Handbook or the actual cost to reschedule the treatment, whichever is greater.
Residents should create a maintenance request through the resident portal if they notice a pest or rodent problem.
Privacy of Personal Information
Sunnyside Apartments maintains emergency and missing person notification contacts. Residents should keep contact information updated with the Main Office.
Student Records at the University of Utah are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The act forbids the University from releasing personal identifiable student educational records or files, or personal information contained in those files without the student's written consent, except in specific situations. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. Sunnyside Apartments encourages you to read the information provided and familiarize yourself with FERPA.
Quiet Hours
To ensure a quality experience for all residents, Sunnyside Apartments observes special "Quiet Hours" from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM. During Quiet Hours, all residents agree to keep their visitors and guests from any unreasonable behavior that would interrupt their neighbors' sleep or study.
Reasonable noises coming from other apartments is a part of community living. However, residents agree to refrain from creating loud noises and other disturbances that may adversely affect neighbors of reasonable sensitivity. Should a disagreement arise, resident can refer to Community Living Standards policy for expectations on how to proceed.
Maintenance and construction emergencies may require work within these established quiet hours
Rent is due in advance, without billing or demand, on or before the first calendar day of each month. Rent charges for partial months are prorated on a daily basis. Payments received on the second day of the month are considered late. Special payment arrangements must be requested and approved, before the first day of the month, by the Accounting Department.
Residents paying by cash must pay the cashier in the Main Office during business hours. Credit card payments may be made online through the Resident Portal or in person at the Main Office. Residents may drop a check in the after hours drop box located in the Main Office foyer (open 24 hours a day 7 days a week).
Rental rates include utilities (natural gas, electricity, water/sewer, trash collection, internet and cable television).
To promote prompt payments an On-Time Payer drawing is held each month. To qualify, your rental account must be paid in full, on or before, the first day of the month. Rent credits are applied to the winner's rental account.
Renter's Insurance
The University of Utah and Sunnyside Apartments does not provide insurance for injury, loss of life, or loss, damage or theft of personal property. It is strongly recommended that residents purchase and maintain “renter's” insurance that provides coverage for personal liability and personal property. Renter's insurance may be purchased from most insurance providers. Sunnyside Apartments does not endorse or support any specific insurance carriers.
Repairs or Alterations
Residents are not permitted to make repairs or alterations to the apartment or its furnishings and/or premises. Repairs or alterations include, but are not limited to: removal of window safety stops, installing locksets, deadbolts, pot hangers, large nail holes, water faucets, toilet modifications, shower heads, TV mounting brackets, and/or installing foil/paper on walls, appliances, or cabinets.
Residents may anchor furniture such as bookshelves and wardrobes with a safety bracket recommended by the furniture manufacturer.
Painting apartment walls or any other surface is prohibited.
Removal or alteration of landscaping is prohibited. Residents are not permitted to attach items to trees, buildings, structures or landscaping. Prohibited items include but are not limited to: inflatables, hammocks, slack lines, bird feeders, bug traps and swings.
Residents may make up to six (6) small (no larger than 1/8” diameter) nail holes per room. We strongly recommend the use of removeable adhesive strips and hooks in place of nails. Residents will be charged for any wall or paint damages, as well as holes found to exceed the limits stated above.
Resident Government
Resident Council is the official resident government representing the Sunnyside Apartments Resident Association. Each year, the residents of Sunnyside Apartments elect a Resident Council to represent the interests and concerns of the residents. Residents are encouraged to contribute to the character and direction of their community by participating in the resident government.
Returned Checks
The University does not resubmit checks. If a check is returned to Sunnyside Apartments , a $20.00 service fee will be added to the resident's account (including, but not limited to, checks returned for stop-payments, insufficient funds, or refer-to-maker). If a resident has a second returned check, the resident will be required to make payments in cash only for the next twelve (12) months. A third returned check requires a resident to pay by cash only for the remainder of their residency. Residents must make cash payments in person to the cashier at the Main Office.
Right of Entry
Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right for the following people to enter apartments without advance notice:
- University personnel or agents to make improvements, repairs or to provide routine maintenance services.
- University personnel to determine compliance with Sunnyside Apartments and/or University policy.
- University personnel conducting regular inspections of safety equipment.
- University personnel to ensure that health, fire and safety regulations are maintained.
- University personnel to perform a Pre-Move Out Inventory Inspection.
- University personnel to perform inspections and maintenance when a roommate moves out.
- University personnel, law enforcement or fire personnel when there is reasonable cause to believe a resident's health or well being is in jeopardy.
- Civil law enforcement officers in the performance of statutory duties and in accordance with legally defined procedures governing search and seizure.
- Fire personnel in the performance of their duties.
Before entering an occupied apartment, personnel will knock on the door twice, wait for a reasonable time for resident to respond, and then knock again. If the door is not answered, personnel will open the door and announce their intent to enter the apartment.
Roommate Policy
Spruce graduate housing is rented by the room. Sunnyside Apartments assigns roommates in apartments with more than one bedroom. Roommate preferences can be included on the application form but cannot be guaranteed.
Roommate assignments are based on the gender selection made on the application. Female gender apartments house female students. Male gender apartments house male students. Gender inclusive apartments house non-binary students seeking a supportive space for transgender, non-binary, and LGBTQIA students. Female, male and gender inclusive apartments may be found on each floor.
Residents residing in two or three bedroom units will be required to complete a Roommate Agreement within two weeks of move in.
Bedrooms are limited to one person per bedroom. Please see Occupancy Policy
Security Deposits
Sunnyside Apartments charges residents a security deposit. In the event the applicant cancels the apartment assignment before moving in, the security deposit and all amounts paid will be forfeited. Security deposits are held until the resident vacates the apartment. The security deposit will be refunded subject to the following deductions: cost to repair or replace damaged property; cost of preparing the unit to standards required to re-rent as outlined in the Vacating Procedures and herein made a binding part of the Lease Agreement; and/or unpaid rent and other financial obligations. If charges exceed the security deposit, the resident accepts the liability to pay the amount due to Sunnyside Apartments within thirty (30) days.
Residents are responsible for inspecting their apartment and completing the Condition Report upon move-in. Residents should turn in the Condition Report to the Main Office within two weeks of their move in date. This report will be used to determine damage, loss or cleaning charges upon move out.
Sex Offender Policy
The University of Utah requires all applicants seeking to live in student housing to self-identify any investigations, charges or criminal convictions that may require the resident to register in a sex offender database. The University of Utah also compares each applicant for student housing against the Utah Sex Offender Registry. Known convicted sex offenders are not permitted to live at Sunnyside Apartments . The University of Utah, in its sole discretion, may terminate a housing contract or deny an application based upon receiving information regarding investigations or charges of sexual misconduct which could potentially put the Sunnyside Apartments community in harm.
Skateboards, Rollerskates, Rollerblades, Scooters, Hoverboards and Bicycles
Only residents of Sunnyside Apartments and guests are permitted to skateboard, rollerskate, rollerblade, scooter (non-motorized) or ride bicycles in and around Sunnyside Apartments' property. Persons using such equipment should exercise due care and reasonable caution to prevent injury to others, to self, or to property. Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times. Equipment may only be used on pedestrian sidewalks, but cannot be ridden or used on any sidewalk where there is a posted sign prohibiting such activity.
Hoverboards are not allowed on University of Utah property including Sunnyside Apartments .
Equipment cannot be ridden upon or used on any ramp, stairway, wall, bench, or other structure or facility, or over any landscaped area including, but not limited to, grass, shrubbery, or flower beds. Equipment cannot be ridden in any building. Equipment users will not engage in obstacle riding, or other acts or maneuvers, that may endanger the rider or others, or which may damage property.
The University of Utah became a "Tobacco-Free" campus effective July 1, 2018.
“Smoking" means the use of any lighted or heated product in any form intended for inhaling, exhaling, burning, or heating; including the use of a cigar, cigarette, e-cigarette, pipe, vape device, or hookah.
Smoking is not allowed in any building managed by Sunnyside Apartments.
Smoking is not allowed in courtyard common areas. Courtyard common areas include balconies, stairwells, hallways, laundry rooms, community centers, mail boxes, garden plots, playground and picnic tables, and all areas within the perimeter of the courtyard.
The Utah Clean Air Act prohibits smoking in public areas and within twenty-five (25) feet of any building entrance, window, or air intake area.
All smoking materials must be disposed of properly.
Sunnyside Apartments investigates all smoking complaints. Residents are responsible for ensuring that their visitors and guests abide by this policy.
Residents will be responsible for all cleaning and damages incurred to remove the smoke smell from their apartment or other apartments their smoking impacts.
Snow Removal
Maintenance personnel will remove snow and ice from sidewalks and parking lots as soon as possible. Residents must remove all personal items from sidewalks and parking lots during snow removal work. After heavy snowfall, it may be necessary for residents to move their vehicles from parking lots so that heavy snow accumulations can be removed. Maintenance will contact residents to coordinate these efforts.
Solicitation and Sales
Door-to-door sales or solicitation of any kind, regardless of the purpose or nature of the sponsoring organization (except Resident Council campaigns) are prohibited.
Apartments may not be used for commercial purposes. Residents, friends, visitors or guests may not operate a business or other commercial activity from their apartment without prior written approval of the Director or his/her designee.
Residents may post one sign or notice per board, (no greater than 5 ½ ” X 8 ½ ”), on the bulletin boards located in laundry rooms and foyers. Residents may not cover previously posted signs and notices with their own. Signs, notices, and posters may also be posted on the Main Office lobby kiosk. Such signs and notices may deal with any subject matter including, but not limited to, notices of meetings or events and expressions of positions and ideas on social or political topics, and must clearly identify the author or sponsor of the post and the date it is posted.
Posts containing defamation and/or obscenity will not be tolerated and will be removed.
The time regulation for any Resident post to remain on the bulletin boards is fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of posting, or, if the posting is meant to advertise a singular event, the post must be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the event has occurred to maximize everyone’s opportunity to use designated areas.
Residents are prohibited from posting signs or other items on buildings or in common areas, except as authorized by Sunnyside Apartments.
Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right to remove postings that do not comply with this policy.
All hallways, balconies, landings, stairs, stairwells, grounds, parking lots, sidewalks, and other common areas must be kept free of obstructions.
Exterior window ledges or railings must not be used for decorations or storage.
Personal property stored outside of apartments must be registered and properly stored in designated storage areas when not in use. All property that is not registered and/or not properly stored is subject to removal and may be disposed of according to University Regulations, and applicable State law. Residents use storage areas at their own risk; Sunnyside Apartments is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen personal property.
Items stored inside apartments must not block electrical and mechanical access panels, vents and filters. All access panels, vents and filters must have a thirty (30) inch clearance and be accessible at all times.
Property Registration
Bicycles can be registered for storage in designated areas outside of apartments. Graduate Housing residents are issued 1 property permit at move in and may request 1 additional permit during their tenancy. For additional permits, residents should email with name, apartment and the number of additional permits needed.
Indoor bicycle storage with CCURE access is provided in the 798 and 791 Spruce building and bike racks are provided in the courtyards. Residents must store bicycles in these areas and provide their own locks. E-bikes, e-mopeds, and electric scooters are allowed to be stored in the indoor bicycle storage room. Gasoline powered vehicles of any type are not allowed inside Sunnyside storage areas.
Personal barbecue grills are not allowed to be stored or used.
A limited amount of storage cages are available in the Cottonwood buildings (buildings 796 and 797) on a first come first served basis.
- Residents will be issued one key for the storage room. Cage locks must be provided by the resident.
- Cancellation of assigned storage cages requires a written 30 day notice to the Main Office or will end automatically at move out. Lock must be removed from cage at end of rental term.
- Perishable items and barbeque grills must not be stored in cages.
- All storage items must be inside the cage and not in the common area of storage room.
- Sunnyside Apartments reserves the right to inspect the storage cage contents for maintenance or safety concerns.
- Residents use storage areas at their own risk. Sunnyside Apartments is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.
- Rental fees are due on the first of the month.
- The application for storage cages, including prices and sizes is found here.
Residents are encouraged to practice good energy conservation.
- Turn off lights when not in use.
- Wash clothes only when you have a full load.
- Turn thermostat completely off when the apartment is vacant, such as during the day, or when on vacation. Set winter thermostat temperatures to 60-65 degrees at night, 68 degrees during the day. In the summer, keep thermostats set to 78 degrees cooling.
- Put computers in hibernate or sleep mode, or turn them off when not in use.
Swimming and Wading Pools
Swimming/wading pools in courtyards cannot exceed twelve (12) inches in depth and six (6) feet in diameter and must be supervised by an adult at all times. Pools should not be set-up in playground areas or in areas that restrict the path of travel of pedestrians or maintenance vehicles, or on the grass. Pools must be emptied and properly stored when not in use or when not supervised. Pools should be stored in residents' apartments. The pool owner is liable for any injuries or damages.
Termination of Lease Agreement
Cancellation of Lease Agreement by Sunnyside Apartments:
Sunnyside Apartments may cancel the Lease Agreement by giving the resident notice in writing for circumstances including, but not limited to the following:
- A resident fails to maintain Sunnyside Apartments eligibility requirements.
- A resident fails to pay rent and/or other charges when due.
- A resident, visitor or guest disturbs other residents and/or violates University of Utah or Sunnyside Apartments policy.
- A resident, visitor or guest engages in criminal activity. See Investigations, Charges and Convictions of Criminal Conduct policy and Sex Offender policy.
If an apartment becomes untenable due to damage, repairs, construction or any other cause and Sunnyside Apartments is unable to, or chooses not to provide other housing, Sunnyside Apartments will deem the Lease Agreement canceled. Sunnyside Apartments will deem the Lease Agreement canceled if the resident refuses to accept other housing when offered; neither party will have any further obligations and the resident will immediately vacate the apartment. The resident is responsible for all rent up to, and including, the day the resident vacates and returns the keys.
Cancellation of Lease Agreement by the Resident:
May or June Move Out
Residents that do not renew their lease must move out by June 30. Residents moving
out in May or June must submit a Graduate Housing Intent to Vacate form to the Main Office at least 30 days before they move out. Rent will be charged through the end of the
move out month regardless of move out date.
If residents graduate from the University of Utah, and submit a Graduate Housing Intent to Vacate form to the Main Office at least 30 days before their graduation, they will be responsible for their rent
through December 31st for a Fall Semester graduation or August 31st for a Summer Semester
graduation. The resident must move out by that same date.
Withdrawal from the University
If resident withdraws from the University of Utah for the remainder of the academic
year, they must submit a Graduate Housing Intent to Vacate form to the Main Office at least 30 days before they move out. The resident will be responsible
for their rent through the end of the following month.
Reasons other than graduation or withdrawal
Residents wishing to terminate their lease agreement for reasons other than graduation
or withdrawal from the University must submit a written appeal to the Main Office.
Only cases of extreme hardship will be considered. Finding alternate housing is not a valid reason for an appeal, and appeals due to alternate housing will not be granted. Appeals related to roommate conflicts will not be granted, as the student must engage in the roommate mediation process and, if applicable, the room relocation process. For all financial appeals, students must show that they have exhausted all possible options provided by the Financial Aid Office, including loans. For medical and mental health appeals, the student typically must have engaged in the ADA accommodations process. The Appeals Committee is the final decision-maker on such requests. Filing an appeal does not guarantee cancellation of the lease agreement.
Residents may transfer from one apartment to another subject to an approval process which includes but is not limited to the following conditions:
- Residents must submit an online application and pay the application fee.
- The transfer request will be subject to the wait list policy (including priority standing) and occupancy policy.
- The resident must have lived at Sunnyside Apartments for at least six (6) months.
- The resident must have received no more than one (1) late fee during the previous six (6) months.
- The resident must meet the eligibility requirements and not currently be on housing eligibility probation.
- The resident has not transferred previously with cleaning and damages in excess of their original security deposit.
All apartment applications on file for residents will be canceled when an apartment transfer offer is accepted.
When a resident accepts a transfer assignment, their name will be removed from all waiting lists. Residents must pay any additional security deposit required for the new apartment. Residents are allowed three days to transfer and will be charged rent for both apartments for the three transfer days. The resident agrees to pay a penalty of up to $100.00 per day for any additional days used to transfer per the Failure to Vacate section of the Resident Handbook.
Sunnyside Apartments is not liable for damages including but not limited to, reduced rent, loss of food, restaurant expenses, damage to electronic equipment, or inconveniences resulting from the failure of any utility, applicance or Internet service.
Vacating/Move Out Procedures
See the Cancellation of Lease Agreement section and the Vacating/Move Out Procedures.
Any person that has a criminal conviction that requires registration in the National Sex Offender Registry is not allowed to live at Sunnyside Apartments. Registered sex offenders are also not allowed as visitors or guests at Sunnyside Apartments.
Guests must abide by the rules and regulations of the Resident Handbook and of the University. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests. Violations of the Resident Handbook by guests may result in eviction of the Resident. Residents are also responsible for any damages caused by their guests.
Visitors will be limited to stays of seven (7) consecutive days within a six (6) month period. In units with more than one resident, overnight visitors also require prior approval from all room/ apartment mates. Guests must be accompanied by the resident at all times and must not be left unattended or alone in the building.
Waiting List
All applications are subject to review before acceptance. New and transfer applicants are placed on the same waiting list.
The approximate waiting period varies depending on the type and size of the apartment and the applicant's wait list priority. Current wait list estimates are listed on the Sunnyside Apartments website.
New applicants and transfers must accept the first apartment offered or be placed at the end of the waiting list. If an apartment assignment is accepted but canceled before move in, all amounts paid are forfeited and the application is canceled.
Applicants are unable to see the actual apartment before accepting an apartment assignment but are welcome to view a model apartment by checking out a key from the Leasing Office.
To align with Sunnyside Apartments’ mission, apartments will be assigned according to the following wait list priorities.
Applications for rooms in the Spruce apartments will be prioritized first by the following classifications, and then by the date the application fee was paid.
- Single graduate students accepted in a university graduate program
- Single upperclass (junior, senior) undergraduate students
- Single post doc, medical resident or fellowship (housestaff), short term scholar, visiting scholar. (see Employee Policy)
Waiver and Severability
Statements made by Sunnyside Apartments staff or agents before or after the signing of the Rental Agreement cannot waive the terms or conditions of it. If it is determined that some clause of this Resident Handbook or Lease Agreement is no longer valid, the other portions will be considered in force.
The premises rented to residents are a component of the housing operated by Sunnyside Apartments. Residents agree that they must comply with all current and future rules or regulations, requirements, and considerations contained in this Resident Handbook, in The University of Utah Regulations and any current and future publications or literature of Sunnyside Apartments or the University of Utah. They are by reference made a binding part of the Lease Agreement and this Resident Handbook.
In the event any provision of the Lease Agreement, Resident Handbook, or any pamphlet incorporated herein, conflicts with the rules and regulations of the University of Utah, as now constituted or shall be in the future duly promulgated, said rules and regulations shall prevail.