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Apartment Availability

Apartment Availability

For information about the new housing opening July 2025 please see the New Housing Construction page.

This page is updated regularly with current information - UPDATED 3/11/25


Cottonwood Family or Employee apartments - 2 bedroom units

All wait list estimates are approximate. Sunnyside Apartments cannot guarantee apartment availability. For wait list policy see the Resident Handbook.  For rates please see Rental Rates. 

In order to be placed on the waiting list you must submit an application and pay the application fee.

Please see the Eligibility policy for family, student and employee eligiblity requirements.

Roommates are not allowed in Cedar or Cottonwood housing family units.  Roommates are assigned in graduate housing units based on apartment style. 

To align with Sunnyside Apartments’ mission, apartments will be assigned according to the following wait list priorities:

Student Family or University Employee Housing - Cedar and Cottonwood applications are prioritized first by the following classification, and then by application date.

1. Student Family (Class standing not prioritized) (Cedar or Cottonwood)

2. Post Doc/Medical Resident/Visiting Scholar Family (Cedar or Cottonwood)

3.  Full time university employees - single (Cottonwood only) or families (Cottonwood only) (see Staff Policy)

Single Graduate Housing - Spruce 

Single Graduate rooms are rented by academic year  (through June 2026). Applications will be prioritized first by class standing, and then by application date.

1.  Single graduate students

2.  Single upperclass (junior/senior) undergraduate students

3.  Single post docs, medical residents (housestaff), visiting scholars

Estimated Wait Times for Student Families

The following wait list estimates apply: 

Cottonwood 1 bedroom: estimated 0-2 month or longer
Cottonwood 1 bedroom suite: estimated 1-2 months or longer
Cottonwood 2 bedroom 1 bathroom: Immediate Availability
Cottonwood 2 bedroom 2 bathroom: Immediate Availability
Cottonwood 3 bedroom 2 bathroom: 2-4 months or longer estimated availability

Cedar West apartments are closing May 2026.
Cedar West 1 bedroom: estimated 1-3 months or longer
Cedar West 2 bedrooms: Immediate Availability
Cedar West 3 bedrooms: Immediate Availability

Cedar East apartments are estimated to be closed by 2030. Residents in Cedar East apartments will be notified at least 12 months of their building closing date.

Cedar East 1 bedroom: estimated 3-5 months or longer
Cedar East 2 bedrooms: 2-3 months or longer
Cedar East 3 bedrooms: estimated 8-10 months or longer

Estimated Wait Times for Single Graduate Students

Assignments for the 2024-2025 academic year have been made.  The applications for the 2025-2026  academic year are now open and can be found here.


Estimated Wait Times for Full Time University Employees   

Please see Eligibility Policy

Cedar Apartments (families only):  4-5 month estimated waiting list for post doc, medical resident families. 

Cottonwood Apartments: Immediate availability for single or family full time university employees in 2 bedroom units.

Spruce Housing:  Post Doc single staff limited availability.

Fort Douglas:  We are no longer accepting applications for Fort Douglas.


Where am I on the Wait List? 

We are not able to provide exact numbers to students on the waiting list. We give priority to different groups of students and since we are adjusting the waitlist to reflect this priority, an exact position on the wait list is not something we can provide.

When will you contact me about an  apartment in family housing?

Since we only require a 30 day Intent to Vacate notice from current residents in family housing we don't know much more than 30 days in advance of what apartments will be available to offer to families.  Please review the estimated wait list times on this page.  All apartment assignments are made by email with a limited amount of time to accept.

Will you have an apartment for me on my desired date of occupancy?

Apartment availability is not guaranteed. Please refer to the estimated wait times on this page.    

When should I submit my application?

Student family applications (Cedar and Cottonwood) are accepted and offered year round as apartments become available.  

Single graduate room (Spruce) applications are available each spring for the following academic year.  Rooms are rented by academic year (July - June).

Can I submit an application without a university ID number?

The application process does not require a university ID to be entered. You can be on the waiting list without a university ID.  However, we will need the ID number before we are able to make an apartment offer to you.  Please email the ID number to the office as soon as possible so we can verify your eligibility when offering you an apartment assignment.  

I am getting married, when can I move in?

Engaged couples are eligible to move in to family housing up to 30 days before their marriage date.

Please feel free to use the Chat feature on this page if you have further questions about apartment availability or email

Last Updated: 3/11/25